
Emotions – Confusion

This project was a set of three images, created to give a cherry three different emotions. In this second image, a lot of small cherries are placed all around on a broken whisk, which has a lot of wire loops broken off and going i different ways. This image shows confusion since the cherries are going in different directions, and there is no sense of organization and the whole image is pure confusion.

The background is kept black, to focus on the red cherry and create a dark atmosphere around the scene. The lighting is also cut to a minimum, few spot lights to light up the scene and make the cherries and whisk the focus.

All the 3d models in this project were modeled and textured separately in Cinema4d. The models were then brought into one scene and composed thoughtfully together, to create a sense of realism in the composition. The lighting was done by adding a spotlights to light up the scene, while still keeping it dark and focus on the cherries and the whisk. The background is black, to kept the focus on the cherry and the whisk. The final render was done in Cinema4d using Global Illumination and highest rendering quality.

Post-processing and color correction was done in Adobe Photoshop.

Process Shots

Detail Shots