
Website & App Design





Track App

This is a custom app that I am developing with a small group of freelancers. Track is one app for all of your life’s needs. It can track your health, habits, recipes, shopping lists, and finances. It is currently in the process of being developed. The mock-ups and prototypes were designed in FIGMA. 





Custom Foam Treatments Website

This project was to redesign a website for Custom Foam Treatments. Their old website was outdated, not optimized for mobile, and did not do a good job of attracting new customers. The whole process started with the redesign of their old logo to make it more modern, and the second part of it was to actually design the website based on the new brand guidelines. The website needed to be informative and provide potential new customers with all the information they would need, such as the options they have on the material and how their product will be created.

The website was created using WordPress. The first step was to provide the client with multiple theme options, they decided to go with this one. The next step was to customize the theme to fit their brand, as well as add all the content needed. The design included banners on all pages, bold headers to indicate different sections, as well as solid and photo breaks in between text to break it up. It was important to keep the pages consistent and modern. The final step was to optimize their website to work and look good and professional on both desktop and mobile.





Lakeland Bank Website Updates

As an in-house designer for Lakeland Bank, I was in charge of creating new banners, such as for the home and the online banking pages, as well as creating and updating other pages on the website. This was done in a CMS system, but also involved some HTML and CSS.