Biomachanic Ladybug

Biomachanic Ladybug

In this project, a small but very intricate ladybug is turned into a biomachnical robot, with only the elytras remaining organic. In my opinion, a regular ladybug has some robotic characteristics to it, for example when it has to spread it’s elytras for the wings to come out to be able to fly. This interesting fact about a ladybug’s anatomy is what made me try and create a small robot out of it, which in the future can be used for spying or surveillance.

The body of the ladybug can be compared to a computer, where all the wires, motherboards, and CPU’s are hidden inside the yellow plastic body. The wings are connected to the body using gear mechanisms, which rotate when the ladybug is flying. It also has gears inside the wings, which allows them to be folded when the ladybug is at rest. Fianlly, the elytras, which are organic are connected to the body using a clamping system.

All the 3d models in this project were modeled and textured in Cinema4d. The environment and textures were made to create a more of a cartoonish style to the 3d illustration, rather than focusing on realism. This style was achieved by creating textures that were bright and colorful. Most of the textures on the ladybug are different colors of plastic, with some instances of metal for the clamping mechanisms. The lighting was done by adding a physical sky, setting time to morning hours, and rotating the sun so that it cast its rays on to the leaf creating soft shadows. The final render was done in Cinema4d using Global Illumination and highest rendering quality.

Post-processing and color correction was done in Adobe Photoshop.

Process Shots

Detail Shots