
Corporate Reports & Booklets

LFS Insurance Guide

The Life Insurance Guide was created for Lakeland Bank as a resource to help answer frequently asked questions about life insurance that customers have. The book uses easy to understand language, icons to break up the copy, and QR codes to encourage customers to visit the website and speak with a representative. Physical copies were provided to all bank branches and the guide was published on the website for digital download.

Hess Sustainability Report

Hess Corporation Sustainability Report is a yearly report that contains information regarding the company’s initiative, worker statistics, and how production affects the environment. There were several challenges that had to be overcome, for example making sure the design was different from previous years and breaking up heavy text. This was done by using large and powerful  images, as well as utilizing charts and graphs, all while following brand guidelines.

Alexion Pharmaceuticals ABAC

Alexion Pharmaceuticals ABAC is an internal anti-bribery and anti-corruption reference guide. It is a text heavy book, but since it wasn’t a mandatory report, more creative freedom was allowed. Different graphics, text hierarchy, and strong colors were used to break up the text and make the book more visually appealing, while still making sure it was easy to read. Strong photography helped convey the message, while bold colors helped separate different sections and added interesting design elements.

Green and Gold Gazette

The Green and Gold Gazette is a newsletter that was created to show off different events that the students and their families have participated in over the past year, as well as highlight people and teachers who played an important role in the school’s history. It was important to keep the school’s branding, as well as make it playful and fun with creative ways of displaying photos and text. For that reason the newsletter was divided into different sections, where the general sections were kept in the school’s colors, while event pages were designed to fit the theme of the event. The printed and digital versions of this newsletter were distributed to teachers, parents and students of the school.