Email Design

Email Design

MSA Security Emails

This first email design was created for MSA’s sub-program Windsor Program, with the goal to create a series of emails showcasing different training centers around the country. Every email contained a heatmap with all the training centers, and focused on a particular one every email. The email design was created as an infographic providing facts on the training center in one of the boxes, while the other box provided statistics on the company as a whole and used icons to display the points. The white box and the bottom portion of the email remained the same throughout all the mails, while the blue box changed based on the training center. This email series had a total of six emails. 

This second email design was also created for MSA, but for the SmartTech sub-program. This email is also part of a series that will have four emails go out throughout the year. The first email of the series was focusing on New York, hence the NYC cityscape. The goal of this email was to showcase the SmartTech program and provide facts based on the city where the program is implemented. The idea behind this email series was to show the city through the eyes of the bomb tech, hence the city through these glasses. Every email will have a different city photo, but the rest will remain the same, such as the glasses and the blue boxes. The only thing changing would be the image and the statistics in the boxes.





Lakeland Bank Emails

Earlier this year, Lakeland Bank started using Salesforce Pardot to send out their onboarding and other email communication to customers. I worked on a lot of the email creative, as well as these customer birthday and anniversary automatic emails. I wanted to incorporate movement with gif animations, while still keeping the image intact in cases where the animation might not work. My goal was also to make these more fun, while still keeping them on brand. 

On the second image  are some cross-sell emails that I have worked on at Lakeland Bank. These would be sent out to customers to promote different products and services that the bank offered that they are not utilizing.

CEC Research Email

This email design was created for CEC Research, as a Valentine’s Day contest email. The goal of this email was to get people to follow CEC on social media, as well as get more people to sign up and refer other people to sign up with CEC. We decided to use a contest as the means to get people to sign up and a catch phrase to tie in Valentine’s day.