Print Collateral

Print Collateral





Retractable Banners

Events are great ways to promote different services that a company offers. To help different lines of business at Lakeland Bank promote their services, I worked with the marketing team on putting together some fabric backdrops and retractable banners to use at the events. It was important to adhere to brand guidelines and display the most important information regarding the service to start conversations. 

In addition, I also created a SmartTech sign for MSA Security to display the program’s most significant statistics in a creative and interesting way, all while keeping it on brand and professional. This sign was displayed at the company’s booth at a conference and served as the means to attract new clients to the program.






Billboards are a great way to raise general brand awareness and promote an important product. When Lakeland Bank pushed out a new Mortgage product, as well as being named the Best-In-State Bank for the fourth year in a row, we wanted to make a big splash about it. I worked on designing two billboards promoting this special product and recognition by displaying the messaging in clear font and displaying large images. Both of these creatives have been placed on billboards throughout New Jersey.








Lakeland Bank sent out monthly cross-sell direct mailers to existing customers to promote products and services that the bank offered. Here are some examples that I have worked on. As a primary designer, I was involved in all steps of the process from concept, to design, to working with the vendor to print these and distribute.

Another client that I have worked with is Lawn Doctor, a lawn care provider. One of the projects that I did was design their annual spring postcard. This postcard was part of their spring promotion and was mailed to potential clients. It was important to be relatable to the people receiving it, so the concept of this postcard was to show a relatable image that causes a problem, but it’s a “happy problem”. In this case, the idea was to show children playing outside and getting dirty with grass stains, which causes laundry problems for the parents. But the parents are happy because they know that the grass is healthy and parasite-free because of the Lawn Doctor.


These are some examples of the printed posters that I have created for CEC Research and the Ann Arbor Film Festival. For CEC, the goal was to create a lobby poster to promote their social media accounts and to make sure all the people who took part in the tests were also following and liking them on their accounts. For Ann Arbor, the posters display four different genres of film, with each poster having a mask displaying different emotions that portray that genre. These were displayed to promote the film festival.