“Stacked” Chessboard


In this project, the tradition chessboard and chess pieces are looked at in a new modernized perspective. The chessboard is called ‘Stacked’, since the pieces are created by stacking one element and changing the size and direction of it. The shapes of the chess pieces still resemble the traditional ones, but their styles is completely changed to a new and abstract forms.

The materials used for texturing the chessboard and the pieces are gold and silver, instead of black and white. Occasionally, some black and white is still added to them to show the difference between players pieces, but made very reflective.

All the 3d models in this illustration were modeled and textured separately in Rhino. The models were then brought into one scene and composed to look as if they were placed before the start of the game. The lighting was done by adding a spotlights, to create artificial lighting to show off this chessboard as a product that can be used for advertising and show off all the reflections. For the same reason the background was kept as a solid color. The final render was done in Rhino using highest rendering quality.

Post-processing and color correction was done in Adobe Photoshop.





