IIS Vanguard Logo

Vangurad Market Development Logo

Another important project that I worked on for the International Insurance Society was creating a logo for their new award, that will also be made into a medal. For this logo, I wanted to focus on the meaning of the word ‘Vanguard”, which is a group of people leading the way in new developments or ideas. I used the keywords such as leading, new, and development to try to come up with icons that would describe these words. Some icons that I provided to the client were arrows, upwords lines, as well as stars symbolizing new developments. At the end, the client chose to use the symbol of an arrow as the main focus on the logo and the medal.

As for the coloring, I wanted to stay within the IIS brand colors and used blue and gold, which also symbolize trust and confidence, as well as courage and passion, which are all very descriptive of the award itself. There are three versions of the logo – horizontal, vertical, and the medal version, which will be produced in the upcoming months. I also provided the client with a simple logo guidelines that describe the exact color codes, fonts, and versions. The logo was created in Adobe Illustrator.

Logo Guidelines